BAF&R will again take Santa Claus on a tour of our area on Saturday December 21, 2024 starting around 9:00 am at our Reading Avenue Station where we will travel down N. Reading Avenue to Railroad Street to Township Line Road then cross Rt 100 continue on Township Line Road to Spring Garden Drive to Mill Crest Road to Cherry Lane to Chestnut Lane to Mulberry Lane to Walnut Lane to Cherry Lane back to Spring Garden Drive and onto Montgomery Avenue to N. Reading Avenue to Weisstown Road to Orchard Lane to Indian Lane to Funk Road then to W. Philadelphia Avenue to Ironstone Drive to Elaine Drive to Lindy Lane to Brookview Drive to Elaine Drive back to Ironstone Drive to W. Philadelphia Avenue to Cleaver School Road to Saw Mill Road to S. Ironstone Drive to Powder Mill Hollow Road to Poplar Road to N. Sunrise Lane to Reading Avenue to Maple Avenue to S. Sunrise Avenue to Fancy Hill Road to Douglass Drive, then to Gristmill Road to Valley Brook Road back to Gristmill Road to Locust Road to Winding Road to Colebrookdale Road to Sunset Drive to Sunset Drive to Winding Road to Woodside Lane to Colebrookdale Road to Farmington Avenue to Greshville Road to Reading Avenue to Village Drive through Indian Springs to Popodickon Drive to Indian Spring Road to S. Reading Avenue to Walker Drive to S. Ironstone Drive to W. Philadelphia Avenue to Orchard Hills Drive to Crest Drive back to Orchard Hills Drive to W. Philadelphia Avenue to W. Second Street to E. Second Street to Englesville Road to Mill Street to Boyertown Mennonite Church where we will turn around and proceed to Barb Lane to Brook Drive to Englesville Road back to Madison Street to E. Second Street to S. Washington Street to E. Third Street to Madison Street to Highland Avenue to Douglas Street to Rhoads Avenue to S. Jefferson Street to W. Philadelphia Avenue to N. Walnut Street to W. Fifth Street to Schaeffer Street to Spring Street to N. Reading Avenue to E. Fifth Street to N. Chestnut Street to E. Fourth Street to N. Washington Street to E. Sixth Street to Stauffer Drive to N. Franklin Street to E. Fourth Street to Berks Street to E. Philadelphia Avenue to N. Reading Avenue back to the Station on Reading Avenue where we started. Times depend on travel and stops, there will be a tracking App in place, check our Facebook account to see more details as we get closer to the event.